年収300万円について / Regarding Yearly income 3million yen

新しい在留許可を得る時に、「最低300万円は必要だ。」という話を聞いたことはありませんか? ところが、「300万円なくとも許可が下りた。」逆に「300万円以上あったのに許可が下りなかった。」との話を聞いたことがあるかもしれません。「地方と都会では平均年収に差があるのに。」と感じた方もいると思います。この300万円は「目安」であって、必要条件ではありません。入管は、在留状況、生活状況、家族状況、見見通しを考慮し、総合的に判断します。300万円に足りなかったといって諦める必要はありません。

When you get the new residence permission, have you heard the story “that at least 3 million yen was necessary.” for?

However, “permission was granted even if there was not 3 million yen.” On the contrary, I might have heard a story, “permission was not granted though I met 3 million yen.”

You think that “there is a difference in mean yearly income in a district and the city.”

This 3 million yen is “an indication” and is not a requirement. The residence situation, a living condition, the family situation are considered and judged by the Immigration Bureau. It is not necessary to give it up saying that you have not yearly income 3 million yen.